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Peer360 Users Guide

Peer360 Product Suite Client Support:

Managed Services

Here are some of the ways Managed Services can help:
Broadcast Managed Services
Broadcast Layout: Peer360º will assist with broadcast layout or create your broadcasts for you.
Copy Editing: Peer360º will edit pre-existing copy for spelling and grammar. Peer360º will then segment the copy into title, teaser and micro-site articles depending upon the broadcast objective.
Graphic Editing: Peer360º will edit graphics provided by Client in order to optimize them for an HTML e-mail broadcast within the Client template(s). Typical edits may include changing image size, resolution, background color or border. For example, if Client wishes to change the background color of the chosen template, there will be an additional $250 charge.
Adding Links: Peer360º will add links to your broadcast and/or website.
Copy Writing: Peer360º will write article(s) for the e-mail broadcast and segment the article(s) into title, teaser and micro-site copy depending upon the broadcast objective.
Graphic Design: Peer360º will create custom graphics if requested by the Client. Cost will be determined by the number of graphics to be designed, the complexity of the specifications and the turnaround time required. 
Image Licensing: Peer360º will attempt to locate royalty-free or licensed images for use in e-mail broadcasts. Additional third-party royalties fees may apply for licensed images.
Digital Imaging: Peer360º will provide digital photography and imaging services for the Client. Such services include scheduling a digital photo shoot at the Client’s location to capture images.
Digital Audio: Peer360º will capture an audio message from the client in digital format for use in a multi-media broadcast.
Digital Video: Peer360º will capture a video message from the client in digital format for use in a multi-media broadcast.

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Lists Managed Services
Cleaning: Peer360º will remove duplicate records and identify invalid e-mail addresses.
Correcting: Peer360º will correct invalid e-mail addresses based on common typographical errors, transposed characters and standard e-mail naming conventions.
Acquisition: Peer360º will research and locate third-party list acquisition source(s) for the Client.
Appending: Peer360º will research and locate appropriate third-party list vendor(s) to append e-mail addresses to contact records. This service is mutually exclusive from list permissioning and thus does not assume permission to receive e-mail has been granted.
Prospecting: Peer360º will research and locate list sources for the purposes of prospecting. This service is mutually exclusive from list permissioning and thus does not assume permission to receive e-mail has been granted.
Permissioning: Peer360º will research and locate third-party list opt-in sources to confirm or request opt-in permission.
Comparing: Peer360º will compare the results of a published broadcast by e-mail address to an original customer record file in order to determine full identity of those who took action and those who did not take action.
Sorting: Peer360º will sort and segment a list provided by the Client based upon custom criteria provided by the Client. List formats are usually contingent upon the contact management tool used by the Client.

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